underestimate the long-range effects of globalization
グローバル化の長期的影響を軽く見る: underestimate the long-range effects of globalization 影響を軽く見る: underestimate the effect of〔~の〕 金を軽く見る: esteem money lightly クローニングの長期的影響: long-term effects of cloning 効力を軽く見る: underestimate the effect of〔~の〕 気持ちを軽く見る: run over someone's feelings〔人の〕 自分を軽く見る: treat oneself as a worthless human being クローニングの長期的影響への懸念が増す: add to worries about the long-term effects of cloning 長期的影響をより良く理解する必要がある: need a better understanding of the long-term effects of〔~の〕 という事実を軽く見る: loose sight of the fact that〔that以下〕 他人の不正を軽く見る: discount the seriousness of the wrongs that others do 他人の悪事を軽く見る: discount the seriousness of the wrongs that others do 政府を軽く見ること: disrespect for government 健康に及ぼす長期的影響: long-term health implications of〔~が〕 長期的影響への配慮: attention to the long-term impacts