- be allocated appropriately from long- and medium-term perspectives
中長期的な見通し: medium- and long-term prospect
中長期的な見通しで: in a medium- and long-term perspective
長期的な見通し: long-term perspective
長期的な見通しから: from a long-term [long-range] standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
長期的な見通しを描く: come up with a long-term vision for〔~の〕
投資市場における長期的な見通し: long-term perspective in the investing market
経済計画を長期的な見通しから見直す: review the current economic plan from a long-term perspective
中長期的な: 1. medium- to long-term 2. mid-and-long term / mid- and long-term / mid [medium] and long term
全体的な見通しの中で: in some perspective
その市場に適応するためには、長期的な見通しが不可欠だ。: A long-term perspective is essential in order to adapt to the market.
中長期的な視点で: in a medium- and long-term perspective
不平等に配分された: 【形】 unequally-distributed
業績見通しの下降: downbeat business forecast
全体的な見通し: 1. global outlook 2. overall prospect
学問的な見通し: academic prospect