丸太をひき切る: saw a log up
縦に四つにひく〔丸太を〕: 【他動】 quartersaw
丸太をひいて材木にする: saw logs into lumber
丸太を割る: split logs
丸太を引く: snake logs
丸太を並べる: 【他動】 corduroy
おをひく: おをひく 尾を引く to leave a trail to leave traces to have a lasting effect
かぜをひく: かぜをひく 風邪をひく to catch a cold
せんをひく: せんをひく 線を引く to draw a line
ちをひく: ちをひく 血を引く to be descended from
てをひく: てをひく 手を引く to lead by the hand to wash one's hands of
はなをひく: はなをひく 花を引く to play hana cards
ふねをひく: ふねをひく 船を引く to tow a boat
ぼうをひく: ぼうをひく 棒を引く to draw a line
まくをひく: まくをひく 幕を引く to draw a curtain