taisei kainosho (later changed his name to masaaki kainosho ) is a senior researcher of the system consulting department of japan research institute , ltd . 甲斐荘泰生→甲斐莊正晃 株式会社日本総合研究所システムコンサルティング部上席主任研究員。
keiji kainosho , a senior researcher of japan energy co . and a co-author of the book ' hakushoku led shome system gijutsu no oyo to shorai tenbo (the application of the white led lighting system technology and its future prospects ).' 甲斐荘敬司 株式会社ジャパンエナジー精製技術センター主任研究員、共著「白色LED照明システム技術の応用と将来展望」。