- 1. enjoy riding
2. find pleasure in riding
今を楽しむ: seize the day
本を楽しむ: enjoy a book
こくを楽しむ: feel the body with one's tongue
交際を楽しむ: take pleasure in association
人生を楽しむ: 1. enjoy life 2. get enjoyment out of life 3. have fun in one's life
仕事を楽しむ: 1. enjoy a task 2. enjoy one's business 3. enjoy one's work
余暇を楽しむ: enjoy the [one's] leisure (time)
余生を楽しむ: enjoy the rest of one's life
全景を楽しむ: enjoy the panoramic view of〔~の〕
冒険を楽しむ: take pleasure in adventure
同席を楽しむ: enjoy each other's company
名声を楽しむ: enjoy one's fame
孤独を楽しむ: enjoy one's solitude
実演を楽しむ: enjoy a demonstration of〔~の〕
成果を楽しむ: 1. enjoy the achievements of 2. enjoy the fruits of〔~の〕