When it comes to get things done, she is totally dependable.
英語という点では完ぺきではない記事: copy that is not perfect in English terms 何かを成し遂げるには、達成できるという確信がなければならない。: To accomplish anything, you must believe you can accomplish it. 事を成し遂げる: 事を成し遂げる ことをなしとげる to achieve a task 仕事を成し遂げる: 1. achieve a task 2. carry through a work 3. do a credible job 4. perform a task 大事を成し遂げる: achieve something important 物事を成し遂げる: get things done 信頼できるという評判だ: be reputed to be reliable 再建という大きな目標を成し遂げる: attain one's significant goal of reconstruction 復興という大きな目標を成し遂げる: attain one's significant goal of reconstruction 不可能な事を成し遂げる: perform wonders 私がリンと働く中で、彼女は非常に信頼でき、高いプロ意識を持ち仕事をしているということが分かりました。: In the time that I have worked with Lynne, she has proven to be extremely reliable and professional. 偉業を成し遂げる: 1. accomplish [achieve] a remarkable feat 2. accomplish a feat 3. accomplish a great achievement 4. accomplish a great feat 5. achieve a feat 再建を成し遂げる: return to normal [normality, normalcy] 妙技を成し遂げる: pull (off) a stunt 安定を成し遂げる: achieve stability of〔~の〕