…を求める~の数の増加: an increasing number of ~ asking for …を求める~の数の高まり: an increasing number of ~ asking for 二つの数の2乗: square of two numbers 平方根を求める: 1. extract the square root 2. find the square root 心の平静を求める: seek serenity of mind 結果の平等を求める: seek equality of results 無理数の平方根: irrational square root 二つの平行面間で: between two parallel planes この状況の平和的解決を求める: seek a peaceful resolution of this situation 男性との平等を求める女性: women who seek to be equal with men 値を求める: 値を求める evaluate[化学] 和を求める: 1. figure out a sum 2. work out a sum 富を求める: seek wealth 差を求める: find the remainder 席を求める: ask to be seated