- work seriously to normalize bilateral ties
二国間の未解決問題に真剣に取り組む: seriously address unresolved issues between the two countries
未解決の二国間問題に真剣に取り組む: address in earnest bilateral issues that have been left unresolved
関係を正常化させる: normalize relations [relationships] (with)〔~との〕
核軍縮に真剣に取り組む: address the nuclear disarmament issue in earnest
苦痛に真剣に取り組む: get one's teeth into the pain of〔~の〕
二国間関係を正常に戻す: return bilateral contacts to normal
二国間関係を発展させる: 1. develop bilateral ties 2. develop one's bilateral relationship
真剣に取り組む 1: 1. adopt a serious stance 2. attend seriously 3. knuckle down 真剣に取り組む 2 1. get [sink] one's teeth into 2. lay down to〔~に〕 真剣に取り組む 3 take a serious approach to〔~へ〕 真剣に取り組む 4 come [get] to grips wi
その問題に真剣に取り組む: earnestly address the issue
コスト削減に真剣に取り組む: be serious about cutting costs
コンピュータ化に真剣に取り組む: get to grips with computerization
不良債権に真剣に取り組む: come to grips with bad debts
人生に真剣に取り組む姿勢: no-nonsense approach to life
人生に真剣に取り組む態度: no-nonsense approach to life
再発防止に真剣に取り組む: make sincere effort to prevent similar misdeeds