scholarship fund for students who have lost their parents in traffic accidents
スポーツ学生のための奨学金: student-athlete scholarship 両親を亡くした子ども: orphaned child 私は_歳の子どもを交通事故で亡くした。: I lost my __-year-old child in a car accident. 事故で母親を亡くす: lose one's mother in an accident 両親を亡くした子どもたち: orphaned children 交通事故です!: An accident has happened!《旅/助けを求める》 交通事故防止のための協会: society for the prevention of traffic accidents 家族を交通事故で亡くし、ミッシェルは不幸な人になった: Michelle became a wretch after her family died in a car accident. 私立学校の学費を賄うための奨学金: scholarship to pay for a private school education 交通事故で死ぬ: 1. be killed in a traffic accident 2. die in a traffic accident 3. get killed in a car crash 4. meet one's end in the traffic accident 家族を亡くした人: the bereaved 近親者を亡くした: 【形】 bereaved 大学の奨学金: university scholarship 交通事故でけがをする: be injured in a traffic accident 交通事故で命を落とす: be killed in a traffic accident