- punishment for a misdemeanor involving a traffic offense
重大な交通違反を犯した者への罰則を強化する: stiffen penalties for serious traffic violators
交通違反になると規定する: make it a traffic violation to〔~することが〕
軽犯罪者: 1. petty criminal 2. petty offender
交通違反をする: violate traffic regulations
交通違反: 交通違反 こうつういはん traffic violation
交通違反 1: 1. driving infraction 2. traffic offense 3. traffic violation 4. traffic-related violation 5. violation of traffic regulation 6. violation of traffic rules 交通違反 2 moving violation〔走行中の〕
交通違反者: 1. traffic offender 2. traffic violator
関する行為への刑罰を定める: prescribe punishment for acts related to〔~に〕
他の犯罪者への見せしめとする: set an example to other criminals
軽犯罪法違反: violating the Minor Offenses Act
交通違反者を逮捕する: nab traffic offender
交通違反切符: 1. traffic ticket 2. traffic violation ticket
軽犯罪者教化農場: cherry farm
軽犯罪者訓練農場: work farm
交通違反の罰金: 1. penalty for breaking traffic rules 2. penalty for violating traffic rules 3. traffic fine