- People take delight in the faults and follies of great men.
偉人たちの生涯: careers of great men
古代の偉人たち: lights of antiquity
史上の偉人たち: great names of history
過去の偉人たち: great personages of the past
うちの人たち: folks at home
巨人たちの星: 【著作】 Giants' Star〔米1981《著》ジェイムズ?P?ホーガン(James P. Hogan)〕
恋人たちの曲: 【映画】 The Music Lovers〔英1972〕
不幸を喜ぶ: derive pleasure from someone's misfortune〔人の〕
共に(that以下)を喜ぶ: share in someone's pleasure that〔人と〕
勝利を喜ぶ: embrace the victory
回復を喜ぶ: rejoice in someone's recovery〔人の〕
成功を喜ぶ: 1. be pleased at someone's success 2. joy in someone's success 3. rejoice at someone's success〔人の〕
提案を喜ぶ: be delighted by someone's overture〔人の〕
決意を喜ぶ: be happy with someone's decision〔人の〕
災難を喜ぶ: make merry over someone's misfortune〔人の〕