技量を測る: measure someone's ability〔人の〕
量を測る: measure the volume of〔~の〕
雨量を測る: gauge (the) rainfall
運動量を測る: measure the extent of a movement
洗剤の量を測る: measure out the detergent
血液の量を測る: measure the quantity of blood
戦いの技量を見せる: display fighting prowess
糸球体ろ過量を測る: measure glomerular filtration
セールスマンとしての技量を試す: test one's salesmanship〔人の〕
一人ひとりの技量を高める: enhance the skills of each person on an individual level
君の技量を示すまたとない機会だ: Now you have a rare [golden] opportunity [chance] to show your skill.
関するプロ並みの技量を有する: have a professional-level proficiency in〔~に〕
教授の技量: skill in teaching
通常の技量: ordinary skill
技量を磨く: 1. develop one's skill (in) 2. improve one's skill (in) 3. work up〔~の〕