- Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects. -- Will Rogers (American actor and humorist, 1879-1935)
無知である: know virtually nothing about〔~についてほとんど〕
お互いに関心のある事柄について: on matters of mutual interest
全くの無知である: not know one's ass [arse] from one's elbow / not know one's arse from a hole in the ground / wouldn't know if one's arse was on fire / couldn't tell one's ass from a hole in the ground〈卑?侮蔑的〉
全く無知である: not know from nothing〈米俗〉
完全な無知である: not know one's ass [arse] from one's elbow / not know one's arse from a hole in the ground / wouldn't know if one's arse was on fire / couldn't tell one's ass from a hole in the ground〈卑?侮蔑的〉
皆無である: amount to nothing〔内容などが〕
ただし(that以下)である: provided, however, that《契約書》
(that以下)のことは単なる無知である。: It's simply through ignorance that
aについてbであると話す: speak of A as B
その事柄について~より不利になる: lose ground on the issue to
異なる形式である: be in a different format than〔~とは〕
玄人はだしの腕前である: put masters to shame
故に〔~であるが〕: 【接続】 whereas
いかに無知であるかを(人)に思い知らせる: make someone feel how ignorant he is
いかに無知であるかを(人)に悟らせる: make someone feel how ignorant he is