さげすむような顔: contemptuous look さげすむような目つきで(人)を見ながら: with a contemptuous glance at 哀れむような目で(人)を見る: give someone a pitying glance 富をさげすむ: despise riches さげすんだ目で見る: look down one's nose at〔~を〕 ベンチに横になっている(人)をさげすんだ目で見る: look down one's nose at someone lying on the bench 仕事をさげすむ: disrespect the work of〔~の〕 さげすむように(人)を見ながら: with a contemptuous glance at つらそうな目で見る: give someone painful look〔人を〕 嫌な目で見る: give someone the evil eye〔人を〕 頭のおかしい人を見るような目で(人)を見る: look at someone as if he were [was] mad さげすむ: さげすむ 蔑む to scorn to despise さげすむ 1: 1. pour scorn 2. show disdain (with) 3. snap one's fingers〔通例 finger は複数形〕 4. think scorn of 5. think small of さげすむ 2 【他動】 1. despise 2. dis / diss〈米俗〉〔 【語源】 disapprove, disregard, disrespect, diそんな目で見るな。: Don't gimme that look. 公平な目で見ると: viewed with an unprejudiced eye