人体に影響が出る可能性がある: present a danger to public health 人体に問題が出る可能性がある: present a danger to public health それは海洋生物に影響が出る可能性があります。: It could have some impact on marine life. 深刻な副作用が出る可能性がある: have potentially serious side-effects 人体に影響がある: have an affect on the human body 参院選に悪影響が出る: harm the party's showing in the Upper House election 住民の取り組みに悪影響が出る: adversely affect residents' efforts to〔~する〕 動植物の生態に悪影響が出る: be detrimental to living animal and plant life 国の経済体制に悪影響が出るのを防ぐ: prevent adverse effects on the nation's economic system 悪影響がある: 1. have a bad effect (on) 2. have a malign influence upon 3. have negative repercussions for〔~に〕 薬を飲む前にどんな副作用が出る可能性があるか医師に尋ねる: ask one's doctor about what side effects to expect before taking any medication 薬を飲む前にどんな副作用が出る可能性があるか医師に確認する: ask one's doctor about what side effects to expect before taking any medication 薬を飲む前にどんな副作用が出る可能性があるか医師に聞く: ask one's doctor about what side effects to expect before taking any medication 薬を飲む前にどんな副作用が出る可能性があるか医師に質問する: ask one's doctor about what side effects to expect before taking any medication 薬を飲む前にどんな副作用が出る可能性があるか医者に尋ねる: ask one's doctor about what side effects to expect before taking any medication