私の一生で一番誇るに足る時: proudest moment of my life 誇るに足る業績: achievement to be proud of 人生で一番大切なこと: the most important thing for one's life 人生で一番屈辱的な体験: the most humbling experience of one's life 人生で一番屈辱的な経験: the most humbling experience of one's life 人生で一番惨めな体験: the most humbling experience of one's life 人生で一番惨めな経験: the most humbling experience of one's life 人生で一番望むもの: what someone wants most out of life〔人が〕 人生で一番重要なこと: the most important thing for one's life 人生で一番(人)の心を動かす: affect someone more than anything else in someone's life 人生で一番(人)を感動させる: affect someone more than anything else in someone's life 受けるに足る: 【他動】 deserve 褒めるに足る: 【形】 commendable 信ずるに足る話: believable story 信頼するに足る男: trustworthy man