so you think that it's important to have something in your life that's bigger than ourselves . 人知を超える 何かを持つのは 大切なことだろ
人知を超えた: 人知を超えた じんちをこえた beyond human understanding 人知を超えて: beyond mortal knowledge 人知を超えた力: supernatural power 人知を超えている: be beyond human capability 25%を超える~: over one-quarter of 党を超える: put aside party differences 人知の範囲を超えている: be beyond the extent of human knowledge 100歳を超える: pass [cross] the century mark 人智を超える: surpass human knowledge 人間を超える: more than human 価値を超える: exceed the value of〔~の〕 合意を超える: surpass agreements reached in〔~での〕 国家を超える: transcend nationality 国籍を超える: transcend nationality 平均を超える: exceed the average of〔~の〕