- a penetrating insight into human motives
透徹した: 透徹した とうてつした clear lucid penetrating
透徹した評論: penetrating essay
透徹した議論: penetrating discussion
透徹した判断力: lucid powers of judgment
を見抜く: predict that〔that以下〕
心を見抜く: 1. plumb someone's thoughts 2. read someone's mind 3. see into the [someone's] heart [mind]〔人の〕
癖を見抜く: read someone's habit〔人の〕
人物を見抜く: take the measure of someone's foot〔人の〕
傾向を見抜く: spot a trend toward〔~への〕
勝者を見抜く: spot the winner
問題を見抜く: spot a problem
変化を見抜く: spot a change
変装を見抜く: penetrate someone's disguise〔人の〕
意図を見抜く: see someone's wheels turning〔人の〕
本質を見抜く: see through