- one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
今までで一番有益な体験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
一番有益な経験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~としてこれまでで〕
今までで最も有益な経験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
今までで一番実りある経験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
一番有益な体験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~としてこれまでで〕
今までで最も有益な体験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
最も有益な経験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~としてこれまでで〕
今までで一番実りある体験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
今までで最も実りある経験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
今までで最も実りある体験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~として〕
最も有益な体験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~としてこれまでで〕
一番実りある経験の一つ: one of the most rewarding experiences one has ever had as〔~としてこれまでで〕
今までに味わった素晴らしい経験の一つ: one of the great experiences of someone's life〔人が〕
今までで一番のお気に入り: all-time favorite
今までで一番のお気に入りの: all-time favorite