- at the beginning of this century
世紀の初頭に: early in the century
今世紀初頭: beginning of this century
今世紀の初めの10年間: first decade of this century
今世紀の: a century of
21世紀初頭に: at the outset of the 21st century
_世紀初頭に: in the early __th century
20世紀の初頭、手仕事は当たり前のことであった: Manual labor was common in the early part of the 20th century.
21世紀の初めの年: the first year of the 21st century
_世紀の初め頃に: in the early __th century
_世紀の初期に: at the beginning of the __th century
_世紀初頭に広まった: be prevalent in the early years of the __ century
_世紀初頭に流行した: be prevalent in the early years of the __ century
今世紀: 今世紀 こんせいき this century
今世紀中に: some time in this century
今世紀初め: at the beginning of the century