- The intent of this boycott was to eliminate the company as a competitor.
競争から締め出される: be excluded from competition
…から締め出す: 1. bar ~ from 2. crowd ~ out of 3. force ~ off 4. shut ~ out of〔~を〕 ~から締め出す exclude someone from〔人を〕
~から締め出す: exclude someone from〔人を〕 …から締め出す 1. bar ~ from 2. crowd ~ out of 3. force ~ off 4. shut ~ out of〔~を〕
地球規模の経済競争から締め出される: be shut out of competition in the global economy
家から締め出す: exclude someone from a house〔人を〕
部屋から締め出す: 1. kick someone out of the room 2. shut someone out of his room〔人を〕
集会から締め出す: exclude someone from an assembly〔人を〕
国内の会社を国際競争から保護する: protect domestic companies from foreign competition
試験のボイコット: examination boycott
カジノから締め出す: bar ~ from the casino〔~を〕
クラブから締め出す: bar someone from a club〔人を〕
ビジネスから締め出す: put ~ out of business〔~を〕
団体を会談から締め出す: bar the organizations from the talks
賭博場から締め出す: bar ~ from the casino〔~を〕
その旅行の具体的な目的は、君に会うことだった: The specific purpose of the trip was to come and meet you.