- Today's bar code readers operate with the aid of a laser beam.
レーザー光線の加熱作用: heating action of a beam of laser light
レーザー光線の波長: wavelength of the laser light
レーザー光線: レーザー光線 レーザーこうせん laser beam
レーザー光線障害: laser hazard
赤外レーザー光線: infrared laser beam
赤色レーザー光線: red laser light
~のおかげで: 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of ~のおかげで。 It's thanks to
~のおかげで。: It's thanks to ~のおかげで 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of
レーザー光線として伝わる: travel as laser beam
日本の今日の繁栄は産業成長のおかげである: Japan owes her [its] present prosperity to her [its] industrial growth.
レーザー光線切断機: laser cutter
~にレーザー光線を当てる: expose ~ to a laser beam
たいていのメッセージはファイバーオプティックケーブル中をレーザー光線として伝わる: Most messages travel as laser beams in fiber-optic cables.
レーザー光: laser beam
このおかげで: このおかげで because of this thanks to this due to this