- Have you paid our insurance for this month?
年払いの保険料: insurance premium paid in annual installments
その保険料は途方もなく高かった。: The insurance premiums were incredibly high.
言いましたか?: Have you told〔~に〕
保険会社の保険料の支払い: insurance company's benefit payment
今月分: 今月分 こんげつぶん (charge) for this month
年金の保険料: pension premium
月々の保険料: monthly premiums
財産の保険料: insurance on property
何針縫いましたか?: How many stitches did you get?
前払い保険料: 1. insurance prepaid 2. prepaid insurance 3. prepaid insurance premium
年払い保険料: annual premium
家財保険の保険料: home contents insurance premium
今月分の~を(人)に届ける: bring someone this month's installment of
私の分は払いますよ: I'll pay for myself.
国民年金の保険料: national pension premiums