impose [inflict, levy] a __% tax on the interest calculated at the following rate
以下の利率で算出された利息に対し_%の税を課す: impose [inflict, levy] a __% tax on the interest calculated at the following rate 何らかの形で個人に所得税を課す: impose [inflict, levy] some form of personal income tax 社債利息に課せられた所得税: income tax on bond interest の条件で算出される: be calculated on the assumption that〔that以下〕 利息総額から_%の所得税額を差し引く: deduct a __% income tax from the total amount of interest 最高_%の関税を課す: charge [enforce, levy, impose] tariffs of up to __% 所得税を_%削減する: slash income-tax rates by __% _%の利子を課す: charge __% interest 普通以下の所得: subnormal earning 重税を課す: 1. impose a heavy duty on 2. levy heavy duties on〔~に〕 関税を課す: 1. enforce a tariff 2. enforce duties 3. impose a tariff _円の所得税脱税容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on suspicion of evading __ yen in income taxes 最大で_%の輸入税を課す: place import taxes of up to __% on〔~について〕 30年固定金利の住宅ローンの今日の平均金利以下の利率で: at rates below today's average rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgage 負の所得税: negative income tax