- have a material impact on the company's operations
会社の営業活動に深刻な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
企業の営業活動に重大な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
会社の営業活動に重大な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
企業の事業に深刻な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
企業の経営に深刻な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
企業の財務状況に深刻な影響がある: have a material impact on the financial position of the company
会社の事業に深刻な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
会社の経営に深刻な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
会社の財務状況に深刻な影響がある: have a material impact on the financial position of the company
経済に深刻な影響が出る: The economy will be visibly weakened.
企業の事業に重大な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
企業の経営に重大な影響がある: have a material impact on the company's operations
企業の財務状況に重大な影響がある: have a material impact on the financial position of the company
深刻な影響: 1. deep effect 2. grave consequence 3. serious impact 4. shattering impact
大きな影響がある: 1. have a profound effect (on) 2. have a strong bearing on〔~に〕