住み心地の良い場所: comfy place to live 住み心地の良い山小屋: snug cottage 粗末だが住み心地の良い部屋: 1. comfortable, though humble, room 2. humble but comfortable room 住み心地のいい: comfortable to live in 同様にその都市を住み心地の良い所だと気が付く: find the city as pleasant a place to live as someone do〔人と〕 住み心地の良さを誇りにする: pride oneself on livability 住み心地: 住み心地 すみごこち comfort (in living place) 寝心地の良い: comfortable to sleep 居心地の良い: 【形】 1. cozy 2. homey 3. hospitable 4. snug 着心地の良い: be comfortable to wear 乗り心地の良い馬: horse that rides easily 寝心地の良い床: comfortable bed 居心地の良い仕事: comfortable berth 居心地の良い場所: 1. comfortable place 2. snuggery 居心地の良い居間: cozy living room