体に必要なものを取る: give one's body what it needs 家族に必要なものを買う: buy things one's family needs 何か変なものを食べる: eat something strange 同じようなものを食べる: eat as well as someone does〔人と〕 同じ様なものを食べる: eat in proximity to〔~と〕 まさに必要なもの: 1. exactly what I need 2. just the job 3. just what the doctor ordered 4. what the doctor ordered 存続に必要なもの: substance that is essential for one's survival 戦時に必要なもの: wartime needs 本当に必要なもの: true necessity 生存に必要なもの: substance that is essential for one's survival 登録に必要なもの: registration requirements 絶対に必要なもの: vital necessity 緊急に必要なもの: imperative need〔通例複数形の needs で〕 妊娠中に体に良いものを食べる: eat healthy during one's pregnancy いつものを食べる: have the usual〔レストランで〕