休暇が終わるまで: until the leave end 冬が終わるまで: for the rest of the winter 検視が終わるまで: until after the inquest 試験が終わるまで: till after the exam [examination] それが終わるまでには: by the time it's over テストが終わるまで待つ: wait until the exam [examination] is over 今世紀が終わるまでに: by the turn of the millennium 試験が終わるまで待つ: wait until the exam [examination] is over すべてが終わるまで試合は終わらない: The game isn't over until it's over. このレッスンが終わるまでには: by the time one reaches the end of this lessons この学課が終わるまでには: by the time one reaches the end of this lessons ショーが終わるまで会場にいる: sit though the show 会話が終わるまで口を挟まない: remain calm until the conversation is completed 会話が終わるまで言葉を差し挟まない: remain calm until the conversation is completed 会話が終わるまで静かにしている: remain calm until the conversation is completed