- Compare prices before you buy something.
店を比較しながら一番安い物を買う: comparison-shop for the best price
いろいろな~: a menagerie of いろいろな 1 1. a constellation of 2. a variety of 3. a wide [great, large] variety of 4. all kinds of 5. all sorts of 6. of all kinds 7. of different kinds 8. of different sorts 9. vari
いろいろな~を買い集める: collect a large selection of
いろいろな 1: 1. a constellation of 2. a variety of 3. a wide [great, large] variety of 4. all kinds of 5. all sorts of 6. of all kinds 7. of different kinds 8. of different sorts 9. various kinds of いろいろな 2 【形
いろいろな柄: assortment of patterns
いろいろな緑: a variety of greens
いろいろな色: all the colors of the rainbow
いろいろな車: a variety of cars
それらのいろいろな理由が何かをすべて知ろうと努力する: try hard to see what all those various reasons are
いろいろな種類の即席食品を買い込む: stock up on various types of junk food
いろいろなこと: 1. this and that 2. this, that and the other (thing)
いろいろなスープ: various soups
いろいろな人々: 1. all sorts of men 2. disparate 3. disparate concept 4. various people
いろいろな人たち: many kinds of people
いろいろな人種: many kinds of people