if for any reason someone needs to change his reservation
何らかの事情で: for any reason《肯定文》 後で予約変更する必要が生じたとしても: even if someone needs to change the reservation later〔人が〕 後で予約変更する必要が生じるにしても: even if someone needs to change the reservation later〔人が〕 何らかの事情で(人)に連絡を希望する: wish to contact someone for any reason 将来何か変化が起きたときは: should any change develop in the future 何かの事情で: 【副】 inadvertently 何らかの事情があって: for any reason《肯定文》 何らかの事情により: for any reason《肯定文》 その事故が起きたとき、あなたはどこにいましたか?: Where were you at the time of the accident? 予約変更: 1. change of reservation 2. rebooking 3. reservation change 問題が起きたときは、仲間と力を合わせて取り組むべきだ。: When problems arise, you have to get together with your friends to attack them. その事故が起きたとき、われわれは大惨事の瀬戸際にあった: We were at the brink of disaster when the accident happened. コード変更の必要なしに: without requiring code changes 何らかの形で覚悟を決める必要がある。: You need to prepare in certain ways to accept that. 朝起きたときに: when someone wakes up in the morning〔人が〕