何時間もぶっ通しで: for hours on end
何時間もぶっ続けで: 1. by the horn 2. for hours on end
何時間もぶっ続けに眠る: sleep for hours on end
24時間ぶっ通しで: 1. around [round] the clock 2. both ends of the clock 3. clock around
_時間ぶっ通しで: for __ solid hours
ぶっ通し: ぶっ通し ぶっとおし continuous
ぶっ通しで: without a break
24時間ぶっ通しの[で]: 【形?副】 around-the-clock / round-the-clock
_時間ぶっ通しで働く: work a straight __-hour day
打っ通しに: 打っ通しに ぶっとおしに all through throughout without a break continuously
何時間も: 1. for hours (and hours) 2. for periods of hours 3. hour after hour 4. hours and hours 5. hours upon hours
われわれは、2時間ぶっ通しで雪かきをした: We shoveled snow for two straight hours.
盗聴装置を設置して24時間ぶっ通しで監視する: have the listening devices installed and monitored around the clock
何時間も働く: work for hours
何時間も前に: hours ahead of time