i know i was spared for a purpose . 私が助かったのは 使命を果たすため
i know i was spared for a purpose . 私が助かったのは 使命を果たすため
i cannot afford to lose to you until i carry out my mission ! 私は 使命を果たすまで お前に 負けるわけにはいかない。
i cannot afford to lose to you until i carry out my mission ! 私は 使命を果たすまで お前に 負けるわけにはいかない。
then they have fulfilled the requirements to use their strongest monster . 私は 勝つ! そして 自らの使命を果たす!
使命を果たす 1: 1. accomplish a mission 2. achieve one's destiny 3. fulfill a duty〔通例複数形の duties で〕 4. fulfill one's mission 使命を果たす 2 fulfill one's vocation of〔~という〕 使命を果たす 3 carry out the missions of〔~の〕 大きな使命を果たす: fulfill one's great mission 実現という使命を果たす: carry out one's mission to realize〔~の〕 首尾良く使命を果たす: accomplish [carry, discharge, execute, fulfill, perform] one's mission with success これは私の使命を果たす絶好の機会だと思う。: I think it's a very good opportunity to achieve my work. 見事に使命を果たした: He completed the mission honorably. 使命を果す: perform a mission 任を果たす: 任を果たす にんをはたす to fulfill (discharge) one's duty (duties) 分を果たす: do one's share 夢を果たす: realize one's dream 責を果たす: 責を果たす せきをはたす to fulfill one's responsibility この使命を果たすに当たって皆さまにお力添えを頂きたいと思います。: I hope that you will help me with this mission. 仕事を果たす: fill a position 任務を果たす: 1. carry out one's duty 2. do one's share 3. fulfill a duty〔通例複数形の duties で〕 4. fulfill one's mission 5. play a role 6. take one's part 債務を果たす: 1. fulfill a duty〔通例複数形の duties で〕 2. meet obligations 3. meet one's engagement 4. meet one's liabilities 5. pay (off) one's debt / repay one's debt 6. settle a debt