価格を_%まで割り引く: sell ~ at a price discounted up to __%〔~の〕 価格を_%まで差し引く: sell ~ at a price discounted up to __%〔~の〕 価格を_ドルまで引き下げる: bring the price down to 単位あたりの価格を_ドルまで引き下げる: reduce the price to $__ per unit 価格を_%まで下げる: cut a price by __% 価格を_%まで減額する: sell ~ at a price discounted up to __%〔~の〕 価格を割り引く: 【動】 discount price 価格を_%下げる: come down in one's prices by __% 価格を_ドルとする: peg ~ at a price of $__〔~の〕 目標価格を$_から$_に下げる: reduce the target price from $__ to $__ 綱で引く: have ~ in tow〔~を〕 船で引く: tow ~ by boat〔~を〕 辞書で引く: look up ~ in the dictionary〔~を〕 馬で引く: drag [draw] ~ behind a horse〔~を〕 価格を底値まで下げる: drive prices through the floor