but the school system and the health care system too 学校システムや保健医療制度もまた同様です
保健医療: 1. healthcare 2. medical treatment for health 医療制度: 医療制度 いりょうせいど health care system 保健医療当局: healthcare authority 保健医療施設: health facility 保健医療業界: healthcare industry 総合保健医療: comprehensive medical health care 健康医療制度: healthcare system 公営医療制度: socialized medicine〈米〉 公的医療制度: public health-care system 医療制度改革: 1. health insurance reform 2. medical service reform 3. reform of the medical-care system 団体医療制度: group medicine 救急医療制度: emergency health system 生涯医療制度: cradle-to-grave health care 老人医療制度: 1. geriatric care system 2. medical system for the elderly ohe保健医療統計: Office of Health Economics' Compendium of Health Statistics