The Conservatives are not contesting this seat in the election.
党の主導権をめぐる選挙: party-leadership elections〔総裁選など〕 候補者を立てる: 候補者を立てる こうほしゃをたてる to put up a candidate 選挙で議席を争う: contest a seat in the election 選挙で議席を得る: win a seat in an election 独自の候補者を立てる: independently field its own candidates〔政党が〕 _人の候補者を立てる: field __ candidates 選挙で_議席を獲得する: grab __ seats in the election 選挙に候補者を独り立てる: put up one candidate in this election 負担割合をめぐる~間の議論: controversy over the ratio of the amount to be negotiated between 驚いたことに、前回の選挙で保守的な候補者が圧勝した: Surprisingly the conservative candidate swept the board [table] in the last election. 予備選挙で選ばれた_人の候補者を対象に投票する: vote for __ candidates who were chosen by a preliminary election 頭をめぐる: roam around in one's head〔アイデアなどが〕 そうだね、自民党は、多くの議席を失ったのにね。: Yeah, even though the LDP lost a lot of seats in the Diet. 音を立てない: 【形】 noiseless 選挙候補者: electoral slate