worthy deed for the conventional people to stay there
~にとどまる: 1. lodge in 2. remain at 3. remain in 4. remain on 5. stay in 6. stop at _%にとどまる stay at __% 何年もずっとそこにとどまる: stay there through the years 価値ある行為: meritorious deed 私は_年前に~に行って[を旅して]そこにとどまることに決めた。: I traveled to ~ about __ years ago, and decided to stay. 下にとどまる: abide with〔~の〕 中にとどまる: remain in 家にとどまる: keep to a house 市にとどまる: remain in the city 座にとどまる: remain in one's seat as〔~の〕 耳にとどまる: stick in one's ear _%にとどまる: stay at __% ~にとどまる 1. lodge in 2. remain at 3. remain in 4. remain on 5. stay in 6. stop at _%という史上最低のレベルにとどまる: remain at an all-time low of __% _%という空前の低さにとどまる: remain at an all-time low of __% ドルのプラスマイナス_%という幅にとどまる: stay within a band of __% either side of the dollar〔通貨が〕 いえにとどまる: いえにとどまる 家に留まる to stay home