その費用を支払う: stand the damage 出願人の費用を支払う: defray the applicant's fees ~の_ドルの費用を支払う: foot the $__ cost of 支払う〔~の費用を〕: 【他動】 defray 保険の費用: cost of the insurance (policy) 年に1回の帰省休暇の費用を支払う: pay for yearly home leaves 私が必ず[きっと]その費用を支払う。: I'm going to make sure the fee is paid. 保険の費用を負担する: contribute toward the cost of the insurance 介護費用を支払う: pay for the cost of care 全費用を支払う: pay the full cost of〔~の〕 参加費用を支払う: pay the attendance fee 研修費用を支払う: pay for training 費用を支払う 1: 1. defray expenses 2. defray the cost 3. pay expenses 費用を支払う 2 shell out the cost for〔~のための〕 保険にかかる費用を支払う: contribute toward the cost of the insurance 適切な費用を支払う: pay the appropriate fees