信任票: 信任票 しんにんひょう vote of confidence
満票を得る: get a full vote
票を得る 1: win the [a] vote 票を得る 2 get the votes to〔~するための〕 _票を得る receive __ votes
_票を得る: receive __ votes 票を得る 1 win the [a] vote 票を得る 2 get the votes to〔~するための〕
信任を得る 1: 1. be trusted 2. gain the confidence 信任を得る 2 win someone's confidence / win the confidence of〔人の〕
圧倒的な不信任票を突きつける: deliver resounding no-confidence vote
組織票を得る: receive blocks of votes
国会の信任を得る: win the confidence of the Diet
人口の_%の票を得る: win __% of the popular vote
同数の投票を得る: get the same number of votes
最高得票を得る: poll the maximum vote
選挙で票を得る: win votes at elections
_票の1位票を得る: receive __ first place votes
~のメンバーから票を得る: gain votes from members of
不信任投票をする: vote no confidence against〔人に〕