these are deeply religious people . 何を言うの、メリン卿 彼らは信心深い人々よ
and the religious people said that そして信心深い人々は
silence sister's raped ... bodies of holy men piled in the streets . 静姉妹たちがレイプされている 信心深い人々の死体が 山積みとなり
silence sister's raped ... bodies of holy men piled in the streets . 静姉妹たちがレイプされている 信心深い人々の死体が 山積みとなり
信心深い人: 1. firm believer in religion 2. godly people 3. pious soul 4. religious person 信心深い: 信心深い しんじんぶかい deeply religious devout godly faithful 信心深い男: God-fearing man 信心深い夫婦: religious couple 信心深い女性: pious woman 信心深い家庭: pious family 信心深い性質: pious disposition 用心深い人: old bird 極端に信心深い環境で育った人々: people who came from extremely religious backgrounds 極めて信心深い: deeply religious 信心深いキリスト教徒: devout Christian 思慮深い人々: 1. thinking people 2. thoughtful people 信心深く: 【副】 1. devoutly 2. religiously 信心深さ: 1. piety 2. religiosity 3. religious sincerity 4. worshipfulness あの僧侶は熱烈に信心深い: That priest is intensely religious.