民間健康保険会社: private health insurance company
個人健康保険: individual health insurance
個人用健康保険: health insurance plan on the individual market
会社が提供する健康保険: employer-sponsored health insurance
健康保険: 健康保険 けんこうほけん health insurance
健康保険医: 健康保険医 けんこうほけんい health insurance doctor
健康保険料: 1. health insurance expense 2. health insurance premium
健康保険法: 健康保険法 けんこうほけんほう the Health Insurance Act
健康保険証: 1. health insurance ID card 2. health insurance card
aiu保険会社: 【組織】 AIU Insurance Co.
保険会社: 保険会社 ほけんがいしゃ insurance company
再保険会社: reinsurance company
個人向け金融: personal financing
任意健康保険: 1. personally-acquired insurance 2. private health insurance 3. voluntary health insurance
健康保険制度: 健康保険制度 けんこうほけんせいど health insurance system