~を打ち明ける: confide in someone with〔人に〕
不倫を打ち明ける: confess to adultery
不貞を打ち明ける: confess to adultery
密通を打ち明ける: confess to adultery
心を打ち明ける 1: 1. bare one's soul 2. open up 3. show one's han 4. unburden one's heart 心を打ち明ける 2 【動】 open one's heart 心を打ち明ける 3 1. open one's mind to 2. unbosom oneself (to) 3. unburden one's mind to 4. unburd
心配を打ち明ける: cry on someone's shoulder〔人に〕
思いを打ち明ける: empty the content of consciousness
意中を打ち明ける: bare one's thoughts
本心を打ち明ける: speak one's mind
本音を打ち明ける: pour one's heart out
真実を打ち明ける: tell ~ the truth〔~に〕
考えを打ち明ける: speak one's mind
胸中を打ち明ける: bare one's innermost feelings
関係を打ち明ける: reveal a relationship with〔~との〕
個人的見解: private judgment