- way to get the population surging
数を増やす: 1. boost the number of 2. bump up the number of 3. enlarge the number of 4. expand the number of 5. increase the number (of) 6. raise the number of 7. swell the ranks of〔~の〕
人数を増やす: 1. add to the staff 2. increase the number of men
ワット数を増やす: increase wattage
人員の数を増やす: increase the number of personnel
入学者数を増やす: increase the enrollment of〔~の〕
教職員数を増やす: increase school teaching staff
死者数を増やす: add to the death toll
登録者数を増やす: increase the enrollment of〔~の〕
聴衆の数を増やす: swell an audience
職員の数を増やす: increase the number of personnel
アルバイトの数を増やす: increase the use of part-timers
パートの数を増やす: increase the use of part-timers
プレイヤーの数を増やす: increase player numbers
会報の読者数を増やす: increase the readership of a newsletter
作業員の数を増やす: increase the number of personnel