個別原価計算: 1. job cost system 2. job costing 3. job order cost 4. job order cost accounting 5. job order costing 6. production order cost accounting
個別原価計算制度: production order system
原価計算法: 1. method of cost accounting 2. method of costing
差別原価計算: differential costing
ロット別原価計算: 1. lot cost system 2. lot costing
品目別原価計算: simple cost account
契約別原価計算: contract costing
工程別原価計算: 1. process cost accounting 2. process costing
指図書別原価計算: 1. job cost accounting 2. job order cost accounting
機能別原価計算: functional costing
等級別原価計算: 1. group cost system 2. group costing
製品別原価計算: 1. cost accounting by product 2. product cost accounting 3. product line costing
要素別原価計算: elementary cost accounting
部門別原価計算: 1. cost accounting by departments 2. departmental cost accounting 3. departmental costing
在庫原価計算法: inventory costing method