倒れた後の彼女の状態はかなり重症である: She is in critical condition after collapse. かなり良い状態で: in fair condition かなり良い 1: 1. fairly good 2. not bad at all〔not bad よりも良い場合が多い〕 3. pretty good かなり良い 2 【形】 tolerable〔 【注意】 冗談っぽい言い方で〕 その後、彼女の健康状態は良い: She has been doing well [poorly] after that. かなり良い辞書: fairly good dictionary この車は、走行距離はかなりのものだが、状態は申し分ない: This car is (as) sound as a bell even though it has a lot of kilometers on it. かなり良いサンプル: reasonable sample かなり良い働きをする: do a pretty [fairly] good job その後、彼女の健康状態は悪い: She has been doing well [poorly] after that. この彼女の写真は、実物よりも写りが良い: This photo flatters her. 戦後の状態: postwar condition 成績に関する限り、彼女の方が私より良い: She is one up on me as far as grades are concerned. 地震で家はかなり揺れた: My house shook badly during the earthquake. 昔の彼女の一人: one of my old girlfriends 健康状態は良い: fine shape