テロ行為を行う: 1. carry out acts of terrorism 2. commit terrorist acts
国事行為を行う: perform acts in matters of state
妨害行為を行う: commit sabotage
性行為を行う 1: perform sexual intercourse 性行為を行う 2 perform sex acts on〔~に〕
所定の行為を行う: carry out the prescribed acts
排斥行為を行う: engage in exclusionary practices
残虐行為を行う: 1. commit atrocities 2. commit excesses〔堅い表現〕
略奪行為を行う: engage in predatory practices
破壊的行為を行う: engage in a destructive act
破壊行為を行う: commit an act of vandalism
破壊行為を行う〔~に〕: 【他動】 sabotage
越権行為を行う: perform an ultravires act
迷惑行為を行う: make a public nuisance
違法行為を行う: be involved in illegal activities
わいせつ行為を行う: 1. commit an act of obscenity 2. commit sexual harassment