- 1. authorization to borrow money
2. certificate of authority to borrow
授権書: written authorization
支払授権書: 1. authority to pay〔 【略】 A/P〕 2. authorization to pay
買取授権書: authorization to purchase〔 【略】 A/P〕
手形支払授権書: authority of a court
手形買取授権書: 1. authority of purchase 2. authority to negotiate 3. authority to purchase〔 【略】 A/P〕
補償支払授権書: reimbursement authorization
授権: 授権 じゅけん authorization
再授権: reauthorization
授権法: 1. enabling act 2. enabling statute
優先権書類: 1. convention documents 2. priority document 3. priority papers
授権する: authorize and empower《契約書》
授権官舎: authorized quarter
授権株式: share authorized
授権株式数: 1. authorized capital〈米〉 2. authorized shares 3. authorized stock
授権株数: __ shares authorized