- Financing with approved credit and deposit《掲》
融資可能[できます]、分割払い可能[できます]: Financing available〔広告;《掲》〕
分割払いで: 1. by hire purchase〈英〉 2. by installments 3. in divided payments 4. in easy payments 5. in installments 6. on account 7. on an easy payment plan 8. on deferred terms 9. on easy terms 10. on the budg
分割払いで返済できる: repayable in easy payments
保証金を出す: 1. deposit money as security 2. pay security money
販売が認可される: be approved for sale
分割払いで支払う: pay on time
分割払いで買う 1: 1. buy on the installment plan 2. buy on time 分割払いで買う 2 buy ~ on installment〔~を〕
保証金を払い込む: pay in a deposit
分割で借金を払う: pay the debt by installments
分割払い: 分割払い ぶんかつばらい payment by installments hire-purchase
分割払い式: easy-purchase system
保証金がいりますか?: Do I need to put down a deposit?
ピアノを分割払いで買う: buy a piano on time
借金が多い: have large debts
借金が嵩む: 借金が嵩む しゃっきんがかさむ to get deeper in debt