借金を繰り返して金利を支払う: pay interest on the borrowed money by borrowing more money 金を借りて金利を支払う: borrow money to pay the interest さらに金を借りて金利を支払う: pay interest on the borrowed money by borrowing more money 金利を支払うために借金する: borrow money to pay the interest 金利を支払うために金を借りる: borrow money to pay the interest _%の今日の平均金利を支払う: pay today's average rate of __% 借金して: 1. in the bank 2. in the hole 借金の利子を支払う: pay interest on a loan 借金している: be in someone's debt〔人に〕 借金して死ぬ: die in debt 費用を(人)に早急に送金して支払う: reimburse someone for ~ by an early remittance〔~の〕 ローンを組んで借金を支払う: take out a loan in order to pay the debt 借金を支払うことを困難にする: make it difficult for someone to pay the debt〔人が〕 借金を支払うためにローンを組む: take out a loan in order to pay the debt bの代金としてaを支払う: pay A for B