党費を肩代わりする: pay the party membership fees on someone's behalf〔人のために〕
給与を肩代わりする: shoulder the wages of〔~の〕
給料_ドルを肩代わりする: pay $__ to cover the salaries of〔人の〕
わざわざ身銭を切って(人)の借金を肩代わりする: spend one's hard-earned money buying someone's hard-earned debt
借金の返済を催促する: 1. dun someone for the payment of a debt 2. press someone to pay a debt〔人に〕
肩代わりする: 1. assume the payment 2. take over
リサイクルコストを肩代わりする: shoulder the costs of recycling
受益と引き換えに党費を肩代わりする: shoulder the payment of membership dues in exchange for favors
輸送コストを肩代わりする: assume the transport cost
肩代わりする〔負債を〕: 【他動】 assume
借金の返済: 1. debt repayment 2. repayment of a loan 3. satisfaction of judgment 4. settlement of one's debts
借金の返済をせき立てる: press someone to repay a loan〔人に〕
借金の返済期限: date for repayment of one's loan
学費をすべて肩代わりする: shoulder all school expenses for〔~への〕
肩代わりをする: step into someone's shoes〔人の〕