you brought us to pay off your debt ? お前の借金返済のために 俺たちを連れて来たのか?
ryo has large debts , so you need money to cover them 弟さんの借金返済のために お金を必要としていたあなたが
however , not only did the family suffer yorisada ' s squandering during his lifetime , but also the businesses it had launched after his death in 1954 to pay off the debt made by him failed one after another , and furthermore , a scandal took place in the family; thus , during the post-war period , the kishu family fell victim to the burning curiosity of the mass media . しかし、頼貞の生前の散財に加え、頼貞が1954年に没した後に借金返済のために遺族が興した事業は次々と失敗に終わり、更に家庭内のスキャンダルも重なったため、戦後はマスコミの格好の餌食となった。
の借金返済: restoration of money to〔人へ〕 借金返済ために財産が差し押さえられた。: My property has been seized to pay my debt. 借金返済の支援を要請する: ask someone to help one pay one's debts〔人に〕 勘定決済のために: for settlement of an account 会社のために借金する: borrow for the corporation 遅らせた弁済のために: for delayed reimbursement 担保にして借金返済を保証する: secure a loan with〔~を〕 借入金返済: 1. repayment of borrowed money 2. repayment of debt 元金返済: 1. capital repayment 2. principal repayment 融資返済のための主要な保護手段として: as its primary protection for the payment of the loan 融資返済のための担保として質入れする: pledge as security for the repayment of a loan 必死に借金返済を試みる中で資金を着服する: pocket the funds in a desperate attempt to repay one's debts 必死に借金返済を試みる中で金を着服する: pocket the funds in a desperate attempt to repay one's debts 有形資産を担保にして借金返済を保証する: secure a loan with a hard asset 民間企業救済のために税金を使う: spend taxpayers' money to save the private company